
Benefits of Tutoring

Higher quality attention and support

Classes are small. 

Unlike the school system that has to fit 30 students into one class, tutoring classes have the option to expand or limit the size of their classes as they are not catering to the general whole population. At Pioneer, we decided to cap our classes to 8 students max. Frustrated by our own experience of being in a class of 30 during our years as a student, we saw it was very difficult to devote the same high-quality attention to each student. Each student has different strengths, weaknesses, personalities, paces of learning, and much more. Teaching a class of 30, it is inevitable that some students will fall behind or feel alienated from the learning process. Tutoring centers have the flexibility to hold smaller classes and with that, students receive more focused attention. In a class of 8, the tutors are able to adapt to the pace, personality, and learning styles of each student. This focused attention will mean they develop an interest in a topic they were previously disinterested in, gain confidence in their studies and it can propel a student from Band 3 to Band 6.

Tutoring provides more focused attention and that can make all the difference.

Surround yourself with like-minded people

I’m sure you hear this all before:

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” It’s been shared to death but there’s some truth in it. Ever been around someone and just being around them sucks your energy down? You feel lethargic and demotivated? Likewise, when you’re around an enthusiastic person, you start feeling excited and energetic. We are social creatures influenced by the environment around us.  At tutoring, you’re surrounded by people who want to improve, people who have invested in their studies, and who want to get better. I’ll say it outright: public school provides free education, tutoring provides paid education. There is a specific nuance there.

With tutoring, you have a barrier to entry. It filters out people who are not dedicated in their learning and who are not willing to invest in bettering their education. This means none of the common sights you see in school like: class interruptions, constant student distractions, taking an hour to go over a topic that could have taken 20 minutes and on and on. Because of the barrier to entry, there is a higher quality learning environment at tutoring. Classes are more focused and stay on topic. The tutors go through the content with more efficiency and detail and you are surrounded by peers who are there for a common goal: Improving their education.

Have a mentor to guide you through the school years.

School years are tough.

There’s raging hormones, self-imposed expectations, expectations of others, 5+ subjects to stay atop of, group drama in school – pretty much, there’s a lot going on. It can be difficult to stay atop of studies during such a formative part of life, and many students get overwhelmed, fall behind or in other cases, some students want to excel but feel they are being held back. It depends on your goals. All goals are valid. Either way, you can stay in the game longer (and with less pain) if you have someone guiding you. Someone who has played the game before, knows all the hacks, and has been there done that. That’s what tutors can do. Let’s say you’re on a hike, tutors are people who have taken the hike before. They can show you “Hey there’s a shortcut over here and about 500 meters up, watch out for the hole on the road.” Tutors can pass on their learnings and experience to help the next generation make their way through school with a little less bumpiness and make the journey faster and with less pain (and have fun at it too!).

You don’t have to go through the school years alone.

Speak to our passionate team today to discuss your child’s unique needs and we can explore how to meet those needs.

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