Four Tips To Ace Physics Exam
1/ Always draw a diagram when possible.
Physics questions have a lot of aspects to them, from the way an object is moving or the additional forces on the object. It can be hard to interpret a question with so many components. Thus, draw a diagram of the situation. Now, you can refer back to the diagram and understand the question better. You can even use diagrams to help you answer extended response questions.
Sometimes the concepts are too hard to explain with words alone, so draw a diagram!

2/ Write a data list and check your units.
Calculation questions can come with a lot of data in different units. Write down a list of all the data that has been given including the variable you are looking for and convert (if required) it into the correct units. Therefore, you do not need to reread the question and you can easily substitute data into your equation.
This saves you time and can reduce the chances of silly mistakes.
3/ Apply what you have learnt.
Whether it may be another exam question or something you see in real life. Apply what you have learnt in physics into the situation. Physics requires a great understanding of forces, movement and energy. Being able to apply these concepts in any context will allow you to deepen your knowledge and help you interpret those complex exam questions.
4/ Understand your equations and know how to use them.